Imagine being a monopolist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
In the game Monopolist: Technological revolution – wins the one who will earn the first 50000$ or eliminate other players from the game,
forcing them to go bankrupt.
AI – artificial intelligence.
• Merchant is a cautious player whose purpose is to lead a trade while avoiding losses.
He will not buy an enterprise if he has not enough money to keep his business.
• The buyer is a pretty dangerous player.
He buys everything that can and may change your plans to create a monopoly.
• The monopolist is the most dangerous type of player.
He carefully buys the firms that will bring him the most profits and willingly creates a monopoly.
Set up startup capital and choose the color of your car and go ahead of monopolizing the city.
• Get some images that you can use as avatars. Images are in the game’s directory.