Embark on an epic quest in Dungeoneer, a captivating old school RPG game where you play as a random hero chosen by fate. Set in a fantastical land plagued by a new evil, you must rise to the challenge and thwart the sinister plans of the nefarious Oolai Cult.
Dungeoneer is an action RPG with an old school feel and style where you progress by exploring, completing quests, earning experience, leveling up, and learning new abilities to craft items and fight enemies. Inspirations for the game come from Diablo, Runescape, and World of Warcraft.
Choose from 6 classes and 5 skills to start your Hero. Utilize your skills to interact with the environment in unique ways, craft items, and synergize with your party. Play solo or with up to 4 players.
Complete quests to progress and earn rewards. Find randomly generated loot from barrels, chests, and enemies or farm for that specific item from a boss. Beware, traps and hazards which could crush or impale you lie around every corner!
Test your build and strength against other players by joining the arena for PvP.